Hot Off the Press

Small Business Roundtable on Federal Regulations
Wlmington, DE
08/08/2024 04:16 PM

We invite Small Businesses to join Advocacy lawyers working on behalf of small businesses in the federal regulatory process to discuss proposed rules, final rules, and compliance from EPA, OSHA/MSHA, DOL, FCC, CFPB, DOJ, USDA, FDA, CPSC, IRS, USPTO etc.


Conversation will include rules on workplace health and safety, workplace heat injury, immigration, ADA requirements for websites, Broadband map/access (rural and urban), widely used chemicals toxic classification, updated labor rules on independent contractor and overtime pay, AI in patent generation, robocall/robotext compliance, crib manufacturing safety, taxes, capital access, early childhood education etc.


The target participants are Small Businesses in diverse industries: Manufacturing, construction, maritime, logistics, restaurants, tourism, lodging/hospitality, professional services, biotech, life sciences, technology/information & Data Science, cybersecurity, Robotics/innovation/AI/ML, retail, healthcare, agriculture, Food & Beverage, chemical production, Transportation, Financial Services, Real Estate, General merchandising, etc.


Stakeholders, small municipalities with populations of less than 50,000 and small nonprofits are encouraged to participate. Final rules and compliance on ADA compliant websites, emergency response & volunteer firefighter standard, and broadband maps directly impact them.


The goal of the meeting is to hear from small businesses, so we can act as Advocates to reduce adverse economic impact through direct interaction with regulators. Our economic researchers who study small business markets will, research outcomes, provide useful tools and seek collaborations.


Note: Between FY 2021 and 2022, roundtable activities such as this one, enabled the Office of Advocacy contribute to saving small businesses over $3.3B in regulatory compliance costs.


Free link to Register-> SBA Office of Advocacy Public Comment on Regulations Event and Roundtable Tickets, Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 2:00 PM | Eventbrite


Join The Office of Advocacy (OOA) , US SBA on Wednesday August 21, 2024 as we visit Delaware.

Ngozi Bell
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