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Give Your Small Business an “EDGE” with funding from the Division of Small Business
08/01/2024 12:47 PM

Access to funding is one of the things that most startup and early-stage small businesses say is one of the most critical needs they have. The Delaware Division of Small Business (DSB) is helping many overcome this hurdle through its Encouraging Development, Growth and Expansion (EDGE) Program.      


The second round of 2024’s EDGE Grant Competition opens August 1.    


EDGE is a competition for grant funding. Five STEM-based companies can each receive up to $100,000 for eligible expenses while five Entrepreneur Class (non-STEM) businesses can each receive up to $50,000. Since the program launch in 2019, DSB has awarded $6.51 million to 100 small businesses. Could yours be one of them?    


To be eligible to apply for the EDGE competition, your small business must have been in operation for less than seven years (startups are also eligible) and have 10 or fewer full-time employees (calculations available for part-time employees).      


As you get started, you are strongly encouraged to connect with a Regional Business Manager in your county for guidance and feedback on your application before you submit it.     


Learn more at

Andrea Wojcik
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