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TidalHealth encourages blood donations
12/17/2021 10:23 AM
The holidays are a time of thinking of others - and for a gift that could potentially save a life, TidalHealth encourages blood donation. The blood supply in the United States has reached one of its lowest levels in recent years, and the Delmarva Peninsula is no exception.

  Blood centers across the country are reporting less than a one-day’s supply of blood-a dangerously low level. If the nation’s blood supply does not stabilize soon, life-saving blood may not be available for some patients when it is needed.  

  According to the Blood Bank of Delmarva, the need for blood has never been higher. The current status of the U.S. blood supply is particularly concerning amid the holiday season and winter months-a time in which blood donation rates typically decrease due to travel, inclement weather and seasonal illnesses.

“Our blood supply has been at critical level for weeks - certainly a concern for us going into the holidays when fewer people donate,” said Robin Burns, TidalHealth Laboratory Senior Director. “We encourage everyone who can to donate blood. You could help save the life of a friend, neighbor or loved one.”

Blood components have a short shelf life and the blood supply needs to be constantly replenished. Blood can take up to three days to be tested, processed and made available for patients, so it’s the blood already on the shelves that helps save lives in an emergency. In the U.S., more than 16 million units of blood and blood products are transfused annually with more than 45,000 units needed daily.

Donors can schedule appointments by calling 1-888-8-BLOOD-8 or visiting .
Gwenn Garland
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