Business/Member Directory

Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce


The CDCC - THE essential resource for development of businesses in Central Delaware.









To grow the membership to 12% of the total number of businesses in Kent County (12% of 7,350 = 882), while achieving a 92% retention rate by June 30, 2025.




Established in 1919 as the Dover Chamber of Commerce, the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce evolved over time with the merger of the Smyrna-Clayton Chamber of Commerce and more recently, with the addition of the City of Harrington Business Association. 


The general purpose of the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce is to advance the balanced economic development of Central Delaware by promoting civic, industrial, commercial, agri-business, and social interests of the community, and by strengthening the freedom of private business to operate competitively for profit with minimal governmental regulation.


Created as a non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian, apolitical corporate entity, CDCC stands as an advocate of business geared to improving the economic well-being of the community by qualitatively expanding the income potential of its members. Through active work in organizational and economic development, as well as community, military and legislative affairs, the Chamber helps to increase job opportunities for residents; to attract new industry and business to the area; to encourage programs of a civic, social and cultural nature; and to promote business conduct and practices.


CDCC serves as a forum to articulate contemporary issues facing the business community and to act as a public relations medium for the interests, problems, and needs of its membership.


Promoting the general welfare, prosperity and quality of life in Central Delaware and stimulating public sentiment to these ends, are principal themes of purpose for the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce.


The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce was the first accredited chamber in the State.   They received their first accreditation in 1975, and have been accredited eight consecutive times, achieving the Five-Star Accreditation in November of 2013 and again in November 2018. This places the CDCC in the top 3% of accredited chambers in the United States. There are just over 7,000 Chambers in the U.S.; of which, 193 are accredited. Only 131 have achieved the 5-Star designation.


The CDCC is financed through the annual dues of its members and by the support of activities and events.


The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce will be an advocate for engaging diversity & inclusion with an intentional approach to educate and inform people, policies, and practives that will strengthen both the access and opportunity in the business community and the county.

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